In today’s post I am taking a look at Berlin, a city that is not merely colourful and loud but which has tons of things to offer. During my time in Berlin I came up with quite a collection of recommendations for you and prepared a wonderful mixture of places that I consider worth a visit in this metropolis. For a quick overview you can find a map with all of my tips at the end of this post.
So get a day ticket for the public transport and put on a pair of comfortable shoes – then you can start exploring Berlin’s most popular corners, the best coffee places, and the best spot for a break in the green.
Bitte! Coffeehouse
In the Glogauer Straße, two greek women, Markela Bgiala and Christina Pavlou, run a coffee place with the marvelous name „Bitte! Coffeehouse“. Their decoration has been achieved with perfection and with a lot of attetion to detail in a maritime style
Next to delicious breakfast, such as greek yoghurt with fresh fruit, they also serve mouth-watering cake, other greek specialities, and coffee from changing roasting companies.
Bitte! Coffehouse
Glogauer Str. 6
10999 Berlin
Markthalle Neun
In Hamburg we call it Marktzeit, in Berlin they call it „Markthalle Neun“. Back in the day the market hall used to be a railway station and is located only within a few hundred metres of the Görlitzer Bahnhof. The space is huge and now hosts the weekly market and offers different kinds of street food. Except for Sundays Markthalle Neun opens its doors every day of the week and welcomes the public with a varying programme.
Markthalle Neun
Eisenbahnstraße 42-43
10997 Berlin
As long as three years ago, I introduced you to the urban gardening project Prinzessinnengärten in another blog post. A small trip to the green haven at the Moritzplatz in the middle of Kreuzberg is a must-do during almost all my visits to Berlin. Moreover, you can also enjoy some food here such as a mixture of home-grown vegetables and local products.

Prinzenstrasse 35 – 38
10969 Berlin
Distrikt Coffee
Distrikt Coffee is in the centre of Berlin and offers everything the heart longs for in the morning: good coffee and a vast choice of breakfast treats. These include, for example, foodtrends like, for example, acai-bowls, but also classics like buttermilk pancakes. But be warned: as in so many cafés on the weekend, here too, coming early pays off. Otherwise you might have to wait quite some time for a breakfast table or come back in te afternoon for coffee and cake.
Distrikt Coffee
Bergstraße 68
10115 Berlin
The coffee place Five Elephant is around the corner of the Bitte! Coffeehouse and is mostly known for its delicious cheese cake as well as for its home-roasted coffee. And even though the baristas behind the counter only speak English, the old German maps hanging on the café’s walls will remind you of where you are and add to the cosy atmosphere.
Five Elephant
Reichenberger Str. 101
10999 Berlin
When you are wandering through a street and you are able to spot a back courtyard filled with people, it surely is a sign for a place where people like to come and stay. But the Hallescheshaus is not only a courtyard and its coffee place but also a shop for household products. In case you can still call these fancy designer goods by their simple orginial name….
Hallesches Haus
Tempelhofer Ufer 1
10961 Berlin
Months before my trip to Berlin, I was already excited to see the Roamers in Neukölln. All thanks to the photos on the Instagram account of the two owners Flore and Chris – they convinced me ages ago. When I was finally on site, I was almost speechless – Roamers truely is a green paradise which is difficult to put into words. Everything fits perfectly together: the tasty, healthy, yet simple meals, the laid back crowd behind the counter, and the ambiance in the small space of the café. I have not yet found a place that cosy in Hamburg. But be aware, word has gotten out that this is a very nice spot. Thus, there are always plenty of people and it is difficult to find a table on the weekends. If you are patient and lucky or if you come back during the week I am sure you that will be thrilled!
Pannierstrasse 64
2043 Berlin
Companion Coffee & Voo Store
The word „coffee“ might be in the name, but the tea is just as good at the Companion. Discover the many flavours and enjoy the stylish design. While your coffee or tea is being prepared you can go take a look at the Voo Store, which is connected to the café, and sells designer clothes and minimalistic products.
Companion Coffee & Voo Store
Oranienstraße 24
10999 Berlin
Liebe Harriet,
ich liebe Berlin. Meine absolute Lieblingsstadt! Vielen Dank für die vielen tollen Tipps. Wenn ich das nächste Mal da bin schau ich mir das ein oder andere an.
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Sandra,
ich freue mich total darüber, dass die Tipps dir gefallen. 🙂
Viel Spaß dir beim Entdecken! Ich hoffe auf ein paar Bilder von deiner nächsten Reise auf Instagram.
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Hamburg,
Eine tolle und wirklich hippe Auswahl. Da habe selbst ich als Berlinerin noch einiges zu entdecken.
Liebe Grüße
Oh wow ich war zwar schon öfter in Berlin, aber kenne bisher keines der von dir vorgestellten Cafes. Darüber ärgere ich mich echt etwas, denn die sehen alle richtig toll aus, bieten eine richtig tolle Atmosphäre und interessantes Essen. Muss ich mir für meinen nächsten Besuch also echt mal ein paar von vormerken.
Hallo Fräulein Anker,
vielen Dank dafür, das du die Vorfreude auf meinen Berlinbesuch in 14 Tagen, durch deine tollen Tips verdrei-vier-fünf………fachst.
Liebe Anette,
so etwas höre ich aber unglaublich gerne. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar und ganz viel Spaß dir in Berlin!
Liebe Grüße
Harriet (Fräulein Anker)
Hi! Das sind tolle Tipps! Ich kenne aber auch noch einen kleinen ‚hipster‘ laden, der hier nicht aufgezählt ist, nämlich: „thebreadshop“ zu finden in der Mainzer Straße in Berlin Friedrichshain. Ganz einfach erreicht man ihn, in dem man an der Station Samariterstraße (U5) aussteigt.
Es ist ein kleiner Laden in dem man brötchen, crossiants und sehr leckere selbstbelegte Baguettes kaufen kann, zum mitnehmen, aber auch mit einer leckeren Tasse Kaffee zum dort frühstücken.
Schaut auf jedenfall mal vorbei!
Auf instagram übrigens zu finden unter @thebreadshopberlin
Liebe Grüße Clara
Dear Harriet,
thank you very much for your post! I`m going to Berlin for a weekend and I`m looking forward to visit all the places you recommended.
Hey Martina,
thank you very much for your nice comment! Just for you to know: This post is now also available in English. You can switch the language in the sidebar.
Best regards from Hamburg
Liebes Fräulein Anker, auch für eine „eingeborene“ Berlinerin tolle Tipps und sehr schöne Fotos! Eine Anmerkung: Die Markthalle Neun war immer eine Markthalle, früher sagte man Eisenbahnhalle oder Eisenbahnmarkthalle … einfach weil sie in der Eisenbahnstr. liegt. Bin dort in den 60ern großgeworden und meine meine Familie haztte 2 Läden dort.
Liebe Grüße und weiter so, ist wirklich inspirierend